Advocating what is good, righteous, and forbidding evil.
To eliminate all forms of poverty in communities.
We aim to provide aid to communities in times of despair with our support. Ultimately, our objective is a manifestation of the Creator’s guidance to humanity in His scriptures in the world. As such, our goal is to reside on earth humbly and appreciatively treating each other in the best manner with dignity and respect regardless of race, religion, nationality, education, or social status.
Our Projects
With international connections, we are working to have a big team dedicated to removing the barriers to unity for all of humanity. Our projects are driven to combat communities aliments of poverty, hunger, and education.
USU is excited to discuss with you what we do and how you can be a part of it. Fill out the contact form below and tell us about your interest or send us an email or a letter.
4315 50th Street NW
Suite 100 # 7271
Washington, DC 20016